football Edit

The calm before the recruiting storm

MORE: June Official Visitor List

As you’ve probably noticed, things have been fairly quiet on the recruiting front lately. There have been a few offers going out here and there, and a few visits announced, but that’s been about it.

That might be because college coaches and prospects alike are resting up during this, the calm before the storm. Because June promises to be a Category 5 hurricane of recruiting activity.

The Wildcat football program will host official visitors for all four weekends in June. On top of that, they are holding five one-day camps that will attract hosts of younger prospects looking to earn an offer under the watchful eyes of the coaching staff.

And don’t forget the basketball program. They have some key 2022 targets set to take trips to Evanston that month, too.

The same things will be happening on campuses all across America, as June marks the end of the recruiting dead period. For the first time in some 15 months, prospective recruits can visit a school and be escorted by coaches and players, either on official or unofficial visits.

Take a look at the June schedule for Northwestern football’s coaching and recruiting staffs:

June 4-6: The Wildcats have 10 2022 targets scheduled for the first weekend of official visits, when the school can foot the bill and pay for the visit for recruits and their family members.

June 8: The first one-day camp for high-school prospects, when coaches will put 2022, 2023 and 2024 prospects through drills in the hopes of unearthing some diamonds in the rough.

June 11-13: Northwestern welcomes another nine 2022 prospects for the second official visit weekend.

June 15: Second one-day camp for high school prospects.

June 17: Third one-day camp for high school prospects.

June 18-20: Right now, we know of two prospects for the third official visit weekend, but expect that number to grow, depending on where the Wildcats’ class stands.

June 22: Fourth one-day camp for high school prospects.

June 24: Fifth and final one-day camp for high school prospects.

June 25-27: We don’t know at this point who will be on hand for the last official visit weekend, but stay tuned.

Add it all up, and the Wildcats’ football program will be hosting prospects for 17 of June’s 30 days. And that doesn’t count some unofficial visits for younger prospects or potential transfers that will surely happen on other days during the week.

Yes, the recruiting and coaching staffs are going to be busy next month. So will the prospects. Most 2022 recruits have multiple officials and/or unofficials lined up. Many of them have one official visit every weekend of the month.

It will be interesting to see how recruits handle their newfound freedom after more than a year without being able to take escorted visits. Will there be a flurry of commits the first couple weekends as recruits want to nail down their spot early, before the scholarship numbers dwindle? Or will many of them wait until the end of the month, after all of their scheduled officials and unofficials? It remains to be seen.

So, kick back and take it easy on this Memorial Day weekend. Because once the calendar flips to June, things are going to start popping.
